Sunday is a critical game this week..."/> Sunday is a critical game this week..."/>

5 Reasons Why Dolphins Fans Want Baltimore To Win


Sunday is a critical game this week for the Ravens and the Dolphins, as one team battles for relevancy, and the other for respect. I had the opportunity to speak with Brian Miller, the lead writer over at the official FanSided blog for the Miami Dolphins,, and he had the great idea of exchanging the top 5 reasons why our fans would want the other team to win. Check out why I’m rooting for the Dolphins at, but first, check out why Brian will be rooting for the Ravens this Sunday.

5: It’s been too long since we cheered for a winner: The Miami Dolphins have not won a game since December 10th, 2006. A 21-0 victory over the Patriots.

4: Brian Billick will be retained another year and Wayne Huizenga won’t be tempted to hire him this off-season: So many speculations running wild about Cameron being replaced, Wayne has a very poor track record with head coaches. Billick is a veteran coach and the type of guy that Wayne seems drawn to.

3: There is not enough emergency workers in Miami to care for the 50,000 plus heart-attack victims if Miami won: With the long drought, the heat, the beer infused fans, the hot dogs…would it really surprise anyone if they all fell over?

2: Our “fire Cameron” fans will still have something to cheer for: Considering that each week they get more riled up over the fact that Cameron has not been fired already, many Dolphins fans would have nothing left to root for.

The number 1 reason we hope the Ravens win this weekend….The Dolphins will “Officially” be on the clock!: Of course that means that we will be drafting a long-snapper or a field goal kicker.