So, these next three weeks, I will only be able to get a couple posts up. Tomorrow and maybe Sunday I can, and then next weekend, also. This coming week (6/29-7/3), I will be doing some hiking in the White Mountains in New Hampshire. Then, a day or two back, and I’m off to England to visit some relatives for two weeks. Obviously, there is no internet I can access n the mountains, and while there is internet at where I’m going in England, it’s terribly slow and WordPress might not work on it.
I will then be home for a week and post the crap out of this site, but then the last week of July, and a couple days in early August, I will be up in Canada for a cousin’s wedding. After that, I’m all free. So if you want to, post a link to anything in the comments, I don’t care what. Stay updated on Ravens news by using BallHype.
So, hopefully I will write something else tomorrow, and possibly Sunday, but if not, you know why. Thanks for reading, following on Twitter, whatever you do. Also, check the Twitter account periodically, because I might be able to get on there.