Says Media: “Sanchez Sucks!”

Ahh, sweet sweet victory.  Although the game was close in the end, with Erik Ainge almost leading the Jets offense to respectability, well, they lost.  Mark Sanchez’ mediocre play in the first half (although Ron Jaworski and Jon Gruden seemed to think that his short screen passes to Leon Washington were actually beautiful strikes downfield) has led to TV analysts, bloggers and print media all doubting his ability.  Today’s post will feature all of the b-e-a-utiful links slamming on the So. Cal Prettyboy.

New York Daily New

s writes about Sanchez’ struggles. I loved the picture on this article so much that I had to use it on this post.

  • The Legend of Cecilio Guante, a site that has linked out to this one in the past, uses a picture to describe the rookie’s game last night.  A picture does mean a thousand words.
  • This one is my favorite, the New York Post, a newspaper that I think is overhyped tabloid crap has a headline in all CAPS that is spot on.
  • I found this question/news on Yahoo! Answers, news that Sanchez was declaring for the NFL Draft.  If you scroll down past the best answer, the third one down, well, quite gratifying.
  • On The Jets Blog, Sanchez was slammed a bit, but not as much as I would’ve liked.  It is the most hounding from a Jets blog that I could find, though.
  • Fan IQ has a collection of Sanchez pictures from when he was a child.  Viewer discretion is advised. (Translation: kinda ugly dude)
  • Now for things that are not Sanchez-related.  I did a little interview with Baltimore Sports report, and that can be found here.  Also, I’m planning to conduct a little Madden 10 sim every week of the upcoming game, starting week 1.  Also, Mike Preston thinks that Mark Clayton won’t stay healthy this year.  Doesn’t even deserve a link, it made me quite worried.  Then I reminded myself that Mike Preston is a buffoon who might be mentally disabled. (No offense intended, Mike, it makes for good blogging)

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