Bears Hoping To Arrive Sunday Morning


The Bears have been delayed in their journey to Baltimore.  Their Friday night flight was cancelled, and now with this massive amount of snowfall, it’s unlikely they’ll get here during the day today. ESPN has an article chronicling their delay, and according to several local reports, they’re hoping to arrive very early tomorrow morning for the 4:15 kick-off time. 

Although nobody has reported or confirmed this, I believe that the Bears might try to get a flight from Chicago to the Ohio/West Virginia area today, and try to get another quick flight to Baltimore from that location during a break in the storm.  With the team possibly arriving very early in Baltimore with little sleep, and Devin Hester, their top offensive weapon likely out, things are not looking up for Da Bears for tomorrow’s game.

UPDATE: The Bears will be leaving at 8:00 PM, according to WNST’s Nestor Aparicio. The team has also told the Chicago Tribune that they will be leaving at 8, and arriving at BWI at 11 pm.