Cam Cameron Staying Is A Huge Mistake

It is amazing to think that after the Ravens nose dived on offense this season and were not able to support it’s defense once again, they would basically keep the core of the offense the same.  Sure we won 13 games this season, but how many of those games did we really win.  It seems that both the head coach and owner are blind to this fact.  Maybe they’re still in denial or maybe, just maybe Cam has brainwashed the whole bunch.  Sure he has had success in the league and is respected, but could it be that he believes his own hype so much, that he has lost touch with the reality’s of this team.  We aren’t San Diego and certainly not the Miami Dolphins, we are the Ravens.  I don’t want to hear that he’s done this and that, I want solid results that don’t require me to bite all my nails to the bone during every game.  The players on both sides of the ball have no confidence in his ability to “get it done”.  When your team openly talks about your attitude, play calling, and I’m never wrong ego, that should send a clear message to Coach Harbaugh and Biscoitti.   The results of the offense, player dissatisfaction, and failing public support has apparently fallen on deaf ears.  Is there someone better out there that might understand what this team is made up of.  What it needs to be successful.  At this point it is unknown if there is something better out there, but another season of  Cameron’s king of the world, always right attitude will continue to fail this team.  We don’t want or need a dictator.  If it doesn’t work out here for Cam, he may have a future in politics in another country.  I fear another long, nail biting season is coming, but I have hope we could still pull it together.
