article, Joe Flacco was nowhere to be seen among the top young quar..."/> article, Joe Flacco was nowhere to be seen among the top young quar..."/>

Joe Flacco Not Among Young Elite Quarterbacks


In a recent article, Joe Flacco was nowhere to be seen among the top young quarterbacks in the league. Out of six proffesional analysist, only one even mentioned him. Is this really fair?

Although I do think some of the other younger quarterbacks can be considered better than Flacco, he’s barely mentioned in the article. Three for three playoff appearances should warrant a little more love. He took a team to the AFC Championship in his first year, and his stats are almost exactly the same as Matt Ryan’s. If I had to pick between the two, I would probably go with Ryan but Flacco still possesses the basic intangibles that a quarterback needs. I think it’s unfair to give the nod to Bradford or Stafford based on two reasons. One, Stafford has barely played due to injury and he has yet to show longterm consistancy. Two, Sam Bradford is going into his second year and we’ve barely seen enough to make a conclusion about his career. You could also make the argument that neither has been to the playoffs but that is unfair given the conditions of the teams that they are currently on. While you could argue that their overall talent is better, we’ve yet to see them where it counts…The Playoffs. We have a good idea of what Flacco is capable of and his achievements should deserve praise.