If you didn't think Skip Bayless was an a...","articleSection":"Ravens News","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Riley B","url":"https://ebonybird.com/author/rbotz"}}

T-Sizzle Destroys Skip Bayless

If you didn’t think Skip Bayless was an a-hole before watching this video, you will now.

Bayless is highly critical of Joe Flacco and doubts Terrell Suggs when he says that he has 100% faith in “Cool Joe.” He gives the impression that he’s a closet Steelers fan and Suggs even calls him on it.I support anybody’s love of their team but when it comes to the professional work place, you have to leave your bias at the front door.

Thumbs up to Suggs though who responded very well to Skip’s interrogation, making him look like a fool on multiple occasions. His loud presence gives Ravens’ fans hope that T-Sizzle can be the next vocal leader once Ray Lewis retires.

The media’s intentions today are truly crooked. It seemed the whole point of the interview was to get Suggs to say something bad about the teams so the media could turn it against him and start a controversy. Pretty screwed up if you ask me. Being a defensive player, Suggs lives up to the “bend don’t break” mentality and does a great job of deflecting the bad messages sent his way. There will always be doubters (especially of Joe Flacco) but it’s good news to see that players are defending each other. It gives you an idea of how closely knit this organization really is.

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