Let's Get Salty... After the game Jermaine Gresham whined to the media that the Bengals ..."/> Let's Get Salty... After the game Jermaine Gresham whined to the media that the Bengals ..."/>

Gresham the Whiner


Let’s Get Salty…

After the game Jermaine Gresham whined to the media that the Bengals are better than the Ravens (and the Steelers too).  REALLY!?  Beat us.  You can say all you want to keep your ego in tact and a young locker room’s confidence up, but don’t kid yourself.  To win in the NFL you have to make plays – regardless of talent.  The Ravens did and you didn’t.

That’s right I’m calling you out Jermaine Gresham.  You did not catch the ball.  We all saw the ball squirm out of your hand when you fell to the ground.  The evidence was conclusive too — because as the ball rolled out of your palm albeit for an instant we saw your hand shoot back towards your body scooping the ball back into your chest.

It’s your second year.  Learn how to play in the NFL.  I don’t think you would whine if you caught a ball in the end zone but were knocked out before you got your feet down.  That used to be a touchdown too, but the Competition Committee amended the Force Out Rule (they had to throw defenders a bone with all the favorable rule changes for the offense).  The Calvin Johnson Rule is here to stay so put your first round pick ego aside and possess the ball with two hands.

You caught a tipped ball you should have grabbed after the first touch.  Don’t be so enamored with yourself that you turn a great play into a bad one by showing off.  There was no reason for you to come down to the ground with one hand on the ball.  Jerome Simpson did it earlier in the game for no reason and it was bound to catch up with you.  I got one word for you: karma.

So please take your left hand (the one you refused to use on Sunday), extend your index finger, and place it over your lips.  Take Monday and Tuesday off, watch some film, then give it a try again on Wednesday during walkthroughs and your interviews with the local media.

No one likes a whiner…. The same thing happened to Chicago Bear’s wideout, Earl Bennett, this week.  He didn’t say a word.

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