Purple Passion: Super Bowl Blues

I have to admit I am just starting to recover from the loss the Ravens suffered against the New England Patriots. It was devastating. All thoughts of football ceased to exist at that moment and watching the NFC Championship or the Super Bowl was out of the question. As a true football fan and a diehard Ravens’ fan, the idea of missing the biggest Sporting Event of the year would be unfathomable despite how the Ravens’ season ended. What’s causing the uncertainty of watching the Super Bowl?

Maybe the blues are related to the constant flashbacks of the final moments of the game playing over and over again in my mind like a horror flick.  Then there’s the frustration of watching the other team, the Patriots, gloat and feature their All-American hero, Tom Brady, parading around like the Ambassador of Pro Football, I don’t know maybe he is?  Or maybe the blues are present as a result of watching some great Ravens end their season knowing once again the team fell short of playing in the grandest football event in the world.  Another season filled with so much hope and promise ended in a fraction of a second.

There is nothing we can do to change history or the course of what happened, so we just deal with it and realize this is why we love the game, the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. So who knows, maybe I will watch, but until then, I guess I just got the Super Bowl blues.

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