I’m starting to feel a little sorry for Vontaze Burfict. He had a combine that could only be described as a nightmare. His interview skills are some of the worst I’ve ever seen from a player that had 3 months to prepare for what he was going to say. He has been carrying a dirty player label for quite a while now and he can not seem to catch a break.
At the combine Burfict was outperformed, in the few drills that he did do, by many defensive and offensive lineman, and almost every single linebacker who attended. The thought was that maybe had just had a rough day, his pro day has to be better, right? Wrong.
Burfict managed a pathetic 16 reps of 225 pounds, reportedly ran a worse 40 time than he did at the combine, which quite frankly is difficult to believe. Looked lost in positional drills and may have driven his stock all the way to being a possible undrafted player. yikes. One team scout told a PFT reporter that he actually felt sorry for Burfict. It was that bad.
At this point I wouldn’t touch Burfict before the 5th round(after recently sending him to the Ravens in the fourth with a compensatory pick), and if I were the Ravens I would wait until the 7th round to take a chance on him, if I drafted him at all. Most GMs wont invite a player as toxic as Burfict into their locker-room for fear that he corrupts the team, the Ravens have the ability to do that along with about six other teams. Three of those six run a 4-3 defense and Burfict would be a lousy fit so that means there are probably only 3-6 teams that would consider taking Burfict at all. That means the Ravens can wait and wait and wait if they want him, and not have much fear of him not being available.
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