Bruce Irvin in the First Round?

You know the draft is in full swing when you start hearing rumors from reputable sources that are just to crazy to be made up.

Tonight on Path to the Draft Michael Lombardi, one of the most respected NFL insiders in the buisiness, reported that Bruce Irvin has been flown in, via helicopter, to a team facility for a secret private workout. During the workout Irvin was promised by the team that he was going to be their first round pick.

It sounds really really crazy. which leads me to believe that is has to be true. You can’t make this stuff up right?

In the calamity that has ensued, fans and beat writers have been trying to figure out which team is the team from Lombardis report. A few popular names have surface. San Francisco, Pittsburgh, Houston, New England, Green Bay and of course….Baltimore.

Now i cant imagine the Ravens pulling this stunt. Ive never heard of them trying to hide their player workouts before, I’ve definitely never heard of them promising to pick any player in the first round(or any round) and I really really can’t Imagine them taking such a reach in the first round.

Now on to the other potential teams.

Pittsburgh- They could use a pass rusher, i think they could easily target a pass rusher and kick Woodley to the inside to fill the void left by Farrior. I have trouble believing that the Steelers would do this but they do have a track record of telling players they would take them in the first round so i guess it is possible. Likelihood: maybe 7%

Green Bay: This one is possible but again i just dont see this team reaching for a player, the Packers are like the Ravens, they are going to attack the board as it falls to them and they probably aren’t going to reach for anyone. That said, they do have a pressing need for a pass rusher and Irvin is one of the better rushers in the draft, but i cant imagine they would take Irvin over McClellin, Jones, Mercilus and Upshaw. Likelihood: 13%

San Francisco: This one intrigues me more than the others, San Fran didnt take a player most people had in their top 20 last year when they picked 7th. they picked the player they felt was the best fit for their team. Irvin could be that guy this year for them. they do need another pass rusher, they dont have a true OLB to play on the right side. Likelihood: 35%

Houston: The Texans might be the team here, they have a need, they play by their own rules in the draft. they have an owner who wouldnt be opposed to flying a guy in a helicopter to leave no paper trail. Houston feels like it might be the right team. Likelihood: 35%

New England: this sounds like a new england move on the surface, but i dont think so. after some thought i came to the conclusion that Billichek likes Height/Weight/Speed guys and Irvin is undersized and not especially fast. the Patriots also barely even like to use their first rounders so i cant imagine they would promise one away. Likelihood: 5%

I think one name that no one is mentioning is Jacksonville. They have a desperate need for a pass rusher. They, like the Ravens, dont use any out of house scouting which means he might be way way higher on their board than they are on most teams boards, and they have a track record of doing this. Remember Tyson Alualu a few years ago, his name came way out of left field as they picked him with a top ten pick when most had him rated as a second round player. Later reports surfaced that they had promised Tyson Alualu that he would be the pick. Likelihood: 5%

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