The Baltimore Ravens have signed linebackers Ricky Brown and Darryl Blackstock. Both most rece..."/>   The Baltimore Ravens have signed linebackers Ricky Brown and Darryl Blackstock. Both most rece..."/>

Ravens Sign LBs Ricky Brown and Darryl Blackstock


The Baltimore Ravens have signed linebackers Ricky Brown and Darryl Blackstock. Both most recently played with the Oakland Raiders.

Ricky Brown is an extremely versatile player who can play both in and outside linebacker. He could help the Ravens tremendously as they attempt to replace Jarrett Johnson (now in San Diego) and the injured Terrell Suggs (torn Achilles). However, Brown has been plagued with injury for the past few seasons and has not been able to play much.

Darryl Blackstock is an outside linebacker who has spent time with the Cardinals, Bengals, and Raiders. Both players should contribute mainly on special teams but may get some reps on defense.

The Ravens linebacking corp is now as follows:

ILB Ray Lewis

ILB Jameel McClain

ILB Dannell Ellerbe

ILB Brendon Ayanbadejo

ILB Josh Bynes

ILB Nigel Carr (rookie free agent)


OLB Terrell Suggs (Achilles)

OLB Michael McAdoo (Achilles)

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