Saturday’s Open Practice gave Ravens fans a first impression of their team. Here are a few of my takeaways from this event:
The open practice the Ravens held on Saturday was a great service to the fans. Fans once flocked to practice daily at McDaniel College. Now the Ravens hold their training camp behind gates in Owings Mills and fans crave a look at their team. The open practice on Saturday was fun. It was great for fans of all ages.
The festivities were really geared towards giving kids a great night. There was an autograph session for kids. There were fun stadium contests, like best Weddle beard, best sign and even a dance off. In the end the fireworks generated a childlike amazement in us all. The Ravens were practicing, but they really tried to make this more than a practice. It was an event.
It was hard to follow the action on the field because of this event focus. There were so many things luring you away from the Ravens practice. Last night was about giving the fans a gift and showing them appreciation. That being said the action on the field, was what I tried to be glued too.
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