There are plenty of reasons for the Ravens struggles. The purple and black aren’t a good team:
The 2016 Baltimore Ravens are what they are. They are an middle of the road team. The 5-5 Ravens have had an up and down year. Their highest moments were deceptively comforting and their lowest lows have been incredibly telling. The purple and black have seen little offensive success this season. The defense is carrying a big burden. There is a reason the Ravens wins haven’t come against good teams. Against good teams the dam always breaks at some point. When the offense does nothing, one defensive slip can ruin the entire game.
There are certainly worse teams than the Ravens. Baltimore has talent all over the place. That is the reason they have frustrated Maryland sports fans so much. There is no excuse for the Ravens to be a bad team. The defense ranks in the top 10 in just about every significant statistic. The offense just has to be half way functional to get in the win column. An offense that has Terrance West and Kenneth Dixon should be better than this on the ground. An offense with Steve Smith Sr. and the explosive Mike Wallace should be doing more than this in the air.
The Ravens are struggling mostly because one third of their team isn’t doing their fair share of the work. That’s the simple answer. However sports writers are never content telling a long story short. Here are five reasons why the Ravens have five losses.