The Baltimore Ravens traded Timmy Jernigan to the Eagles. Here are three big things to think about:
While I never really bought into the idea that Harbaugh was running guys out of town, this seems like a move the coach should be comfortable. Jernigan was often in Harbaugh’s dog house. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Ravens were tired of the problems that come with Jernigan. He’s always been a guy who commits horrible penalties. He’s always been inconsistent and there was always evidence that he was a knucklehead.
That’s the first big thing to think about, did Harbaugh okay the trade because Jernigan didn’t adhere to the Ravens way? The Ravens were penalized a lot last season. They struggled with discipline all across the board. Like him or not, Jernigan was a part of that. The Ravens would not have traded Jernigan if he was part of their long-term plans. The Ravens weren’t going to re-sign him after this season.
It seems strange that a team in a win now mode, is trading a good player away just to move up 25 spots in the third round. That’s what the Ravens did here. They didn’t gain a third round pick. They simply swapped one with the Eagles. If the Ravens thought that Jernigan was a problem in the locker-room, this move makes a little more sense. If the Ravens feel that this is addition by subtraction, and that their defensive line group is fully stocked without him, it’s hard to knock this trade.