Things are not going right for the Baltimore Ravens. They are having a lot of problems. Some of these problems, the franchise has brought on themselves:
The Baltimore Ravens are 3-3 right now and saying they have a lot of problems is putting it lightly. The offense has very little in the play-making department. The offensive line has had what seems like a thousand injuries. Some of the Ravens problems have been unavoidable. No amount of frustration can change the fact that the Ravens don’t have Marshall Yanda. However it would be irresponsibly wrong to give the Ravens any slack for their failures. The Ravens had a lot of issues that were completely avoidable.
A lot of this isn’t John Harbaugh’s fault. What’s he going to do. This offense is awful and there isn’t much that he can do about it. If he puts the blame on Marty Mornhinweg, he’s ignoring the lack of tools Mornhinweg has to work with. If he blames the lack of talent, it won’t help him keep the locker room together. It would also point the finger at Ozzie Newsome. Harbaugh doesn’t have a ton of things he can say, so his press conference wasn’t shocking. The truth is that the Ravens have some good pieces, but almost all of them are on defense. The biggest star on this team is the kicker, Justin Tucker. This calamity of a mess, was kind of what the Ravens asked for when they neglected the offense.
Today, let’s take a look at the problems the Ravens could have avoided. Let’s call the Ravens out for what they did wrong this offseason. The Ravens have a lot of problems but they cannot, and they will not, get a pass for the problems they brought on themselves.