1. Breshad Perriman
Perriman was the Ravens biggest bust at the wide receiver position and that is saying something. The Ravens have taken a shot on players like Mark Clayton and Travis Taylor, so Perriman had to really not work out to get that title. The Ravens receiving woes haven’t been alleviated from the pick of Perriman, in fact it made them worse. Perriman missed his entire rookie season. It’s never good when a 1st round pick who is expected to be a star right away is MIA for a full season. Then he teased the Ravens with a solid second half of the 2016 season.
Waiting for a 1st round talent to shine gets old:
That was all she wrote for Perriman’s NFL success because he basically benched himself in 2017. Perriman was on a team hurting for wide receiver talent and the Ravens wanted anybody on the field other than him. He dropped wide open passes, he couldn’t come up with the football when Flacco gave him a shot to go get it. Honestly, it was like playing with 10 players on the offense. Once Perriman had one bad play, he couldn’t get past it.
Next: 3 Ravens rookies who could miss the 53 man roster
The Ravens have some tough choices to make, but these players are easy to give the pink slip to. These are the players the Ravens have given a chance and received little to no production from that chance. The first thing the Ravens have to do when building a 53 man roster is cut the players who are only holding them back.