“What if” scenarios are always fun to think about, and today the Ebony Bird team takes a dive into some of the best throughout the Ravens history.
How different could things have been if one thing were to change? Imagine something from as minuscule as a dropped pass to something as outrageous as trading up for a franchise level player changing Ravens lore forever. Well, that’s exactly what the Ebony Bird team is here for.
In today’s featured article, Ebony Bird writers Chris Schisler, Richard Bradshaw, Isaiah Stumphf, Brandon Deffet, and Corey Hughes take a look at their favorite “what if” scenarios from all throughout the history of the Baltimore Ravens. Some of these will spark controversial conversations, while others will have us reminiscing and wondering about what could’ve been.
“What if” scenarios can be dangerous, but this article is all about pondering situations fans found themselves in and have sat back and wondered how things could’ve been different if they were in-charge of the Ravens for the day.
It’s been a minute since Ebony Bird’s last round table, but this has to be one of the funnest I’ve gotten to be a part of. We all hope you enjoy what you’re about to read. A special thank you to all who participated and be sure to check out their bios and read some of our other writers’ tremendous content! Without further a do, let’s get this underway, starting with site-editor Chris Schisler: