3. Lamar Jackson had an under the radar great game
In an under the radar way this was a great game for Lamar Jackson. Jackson is a quarterback you almost expect incredibly good numbers out of. You look for the five touchdown pass games, and the outings with a perfect passer rating. That’s not going to happen every time and that can’t become the day in and day out standard. Jackson was efficient. He only had six incomplete passes. He was running for his life on just about every play. Jackson probably should have had a rougher day. The Texans did a lot of things correctly. Their defense was sturdy, Jackson was just proficient.
In a game where he didn’t make his usual amount of big plays, he was low key great. There were a lot of situations where bad plays were almost likely and they didn’t come. There were plays that should have been nothing burgers that he got something out of. Jackson was sneaky good in this game. His stat line wasn’t incredible, and his game wasn’t one we will talk about as one of his best, but it was what it needed to be. Jackson managed this game and he made things happen and quarterbacks don’t get enough credit for doing this. Jackson kept control of this game from start to finish. The man was simply on top of everything, The little things are huge and Jackson delivered on them in this game.
Jackson had four sacks in a game where most quarterbacks would have been hit more. The Texans somehow managed to win the battle at the line of scrimmage and they still didn’t win the battle. That’s special. It’s underrated special. That’s what Jackson gave the Ravens in this game.