3 Baltimore Ravens position battles to watch before 2024 season

These Ravens will be competing for spots
Miami Dolphins v Baltimore Ravens
Miami Dolphins v Baltimore Ravens / Todd Olszewski/GettyImages
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1. Roger Rosengarten vs. Daniel Faalele and Josh Jones

Perhaps no camp battle will have more of a consequential impact on the roster than what the Ravens try to do at right tackle. Jones has been serviceable in the pros, and Faalele could move into the starting lineup after two years as a backup, but Rosengarten is their future on the right side.

On top of the fact Rosengarten was a pure right tackle at Washington, he stood out as one of the best pass blockers at the position. However, in keeping with Ravens tradition, young players on the offensive side of the ball will need to first prove their overall quality by unseating a veteran.

Roger Rosengarten could start for the Baltimore Ravens

Rosengarten's rookie season playing time will be determined by how effective he is as a run-blocker. If he is still considered less-than-exemplary in this area, Faalele or Jones might have a very small chance of becoming the Week 1 starter and delaying Rosengarten's ascension to the RT1 role.

Jones knows this may be his last stop before he is relegated exclusively to backup duty in the pros, and Faalele may not be on the roster if he can't become a starter after three offseasons. Rosengarten is not going to take a starting spot from either of those two without a serious fight.
