Ranking 4 Baltimore Ravens who are most needed to return at Pittsburgh Steelers

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Houston Texans v Baltimore Ravens, Marcus Williams
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3. Getting Marcus Williams back would be key for the Baltimore Ravens to beat the Pittsburgh Steelers

The Baltimore Ravens saw Marcus Williams return to practice late last week as well. When Marcus Williams injured his pec, there was a lot of thought that this could have been a season-ending injury. So, to see him practice for the second straight week is comforting. If you had to bet who is more likely to return, it may be Humphrey, but Williams's addition may help more.

The reason is because Daryl Worley is still injured and is not practicing. So, the Ravens may need the help at saftey more. In a perfect world, Williams returns this week and starts across from Geno Stone. Then, Kyle Hamilton is free to roam around the slot, blitz, defend the run, and make all kinds of game-changing plays.

It brings out the best in Hamilton. If Williams sits this week, you would see Geno Stone and Hamilton starting at safety, and Arthur Maulet would play the slot. Hamilton is better in the slot, and Williams is better than Maulet, so technically, two spots get better if the Baltimore Ravens can start Marcus Williams. His return is worth monitoring.