While we still don't know who the Ravens kick returner will be, one t..."/>

While we still don't know who the Ravens kick returner will be, one t..."/>

Who Will Be The Ravens Kick Returner?


While we still don’t know who the Ravens kick returner will be, one thing’s for sure, it won’t be David Reed. After fumbling twice and drawing an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty, Reed was named the scapegoat for the Ravens loss to the Seahawks. Now, the Ravens face a big problem in finding a reliable kick returner for this Sunday’s game against the Cincinnati Bengals.

In last week’s game, Torrey Smith and Chris Carr returned kicks after Reed’s treacherous start. Other candidates for the job include LaDarius Webb,  LaQuan Williams, and Bryan McCann. Many liked what Williams did in preseason and because of his small offensive role, stamina will not be an issue.

Bryan McCann was brought in this year for cornerback depth and his kick returning abilities. He was a successful returnman in Dallas before joining the Ravens earlier this year.

LaDarius Webb would probably be the kick returner if he wasn’t the starting corner. He’s been playing lights out there but has shown his excellent return skills against the Steelers last year in the playoffs and agains the Broncos a few years back when he took one back for six. However, he’s already returning punts on top of his cornerback job so added another responsibility on to that is a lot to handle.

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